Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Ok grade 8... you now have your assignments to help me with my Earthwatch Expedition.
Now here's a math problem for you to solve ... can you do it without Mrs. Stafford? I'll bet you can!

So what if global warming sends caterpillar populations soaring... will those horrible Tomato/Tobacco Hornworms leave us without one tomato here in Winslow, Maine?

(to look at pictures of the caterpillar and the moth look here...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manduca_sexta)

The life cycle of Manduca quinquemaculata, the Tomato Hornworm, is about 30 to 50 days. The sneaky moths lay their eggs at night. Each moth deposits one to five eggs per plant per visit and may lay up to 2000 eggs. (http://www.indiana.edu/~l113/ManducaSextaLab.htm) So if the Hornworm was active for 200 days of the year, how many caterpillars might result?
How many tomato plants would this involve? (maximum)? Whoa!

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